In the age of artificially intelligent homes and commercial space tourism, our dependent relationship with technology is only as valuable as our understanding of it. Technologies are always being continually renewed, challenging leading industries to try and keep up with them. For both students and established professionals, it’s a reminder to make sure to stay engaged.

To celebrate International Literacy Day today, make a commitment to sharpen your own literacy. That doesn’t just mean being an avid reader. People from all backgrounds and skill levels can sharpen their literacy in a range of topics.

Computer literacy in particular is fast becoming an essential skill across disciplines. For those who already have some experience under their belt, learning more about specialized topics is the next step. Introductory courses on coding languages like JavaScript, Python or Ruby can help those looking to enter the industry build a foundation in basic concepts that can be used in web development, robotics, and anything else in the tech realm.

These skills are quickly becoming commonplace, and not just for developers. Designers, artists, musicians—everyone’s learning to code.

Having advanced knowledge in technology is a valuable asset, and increasingly relevant in the modern job market. But being able to detangle the complexities of technical subjects is not just attractive to employers—it yields a rewarding personal benefit. Regardless of where you’re at in terms of experience, reviewing the basics and making the needed developments along your journey ensures that your expertise is up to date.

What type of skills are you itching to pick up or refine? When it comes to gaining new knowledge, there is no such thing as too late. Have you always wondered how a web page is built through code or wanted to work more closely on projects involving artificial intelligence? Taking introductory classes on subjects that match your interest is an excellent way to foster your personal growth and tech literacy.

Take a look at some of the Beginner tech courses offered in our Course Catalog:

Introduction to Programming for the Digital Arts With p5.js



Web Coding Fundamentals for Artists



Foundations of Arts and Entertainment Technologies



Programming Max: Structuring Interactive Software for Digital Arts



Web Development and Design for Artists